Bermuda uses the pattern of
monocromatic colors. As a
default color Bermuda uses
For some standout components like aletrs, Bermuda uses shades
of red, green and yellow colors. All the colors are listed
below with respective hex-codes. Bermuda also provides the
on-hover colors with a little bit of darker shade.
Colors In Bermuda
Default Color
Primary Color
Secondary Color
Danger Color
Success Color
Warning Color
<div class="bg-default">
<span>Default Color</span>
<div class="bg-primary">
<span>Primary Color</span>
<div class="text-dark bg-secondary">
<span>Secondary Color</span>
<div class="bg-danger">
<span>Danger Color</span>
<div class="bg-success">
<span>Success Color</span>
<div class="bg-warning">
<span>Warning Color</span>
These are the only colors that Bermuda uses to make UIs look